Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Proposal for the improvement of the production facilities field A

Carlos Alberto Cerquera Rojas
Universidad Surcolombiana, USCO
Rubén Darío Conde León
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Sergio Iván Villamizar Delgado
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2016-06-24


  • Corrosion,
  • Production Pipelines,
  • Production Coated Tubing,
  • Production Facilities,
  • Operational Costs

How to Cite

Cerquera Rojas, C. A., Conde León, R. D., & Villamizar Delgado, S. I. (2016). Proposal for the improvement of the production facilities field A. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 14(1), 67–78. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v14n1-2016006


This research was focused on the design of a proposal for the improvement of the production facilities Field A, which solves the problem of high recurrence of failures in production pipelines because of the abrasion and corrosion problems, evaluating new technologies offered in the market for such pipelines in order to reduce operational costs and mitigate operational risks. In order to reach the aim, technical and economic evaluation of the investment to install production coated tubing was performed, obtained favorable results in terms of cost improvements and increase on the operational advantages for a field with the field conditions and characteristics like the Field A. As a result, the research concluded that the project is financially feasible. These also indicates that the investment is recovered quickly and therefore is recommended that the operator make the investment.


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