Vol. 18 No. 2 (2020): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Guide for the planning and implementation of an artificial lifting system based on the guidelines PRINCE2 for a Colombian petroleum field

Jhoan Sebastian Vargas Delgado
Grupo de Modelamiento de procesos de Hidrocarburos, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Natalia Gallo Corzo
Grupo de Investigación Finance & Management, Escuela de Estudios Industriales y Empresariales, Universidad Industrial de
Fernando Enrique Calvete Gonzáles
Universidad Industrial de Santander
José Alonso Caballero Márquez
4Grupo de Investigación Finance & Management, Escuela de Estudios Industriales y Empresariales, Universidad Industrial de Santander,
Carlos Enrique Vecino Arenas
Grupo de Investigación Finance & Management, Escuela de Estudios Industriales y Empresariales, Universidad Industrial de

Published 2020-03-11


  • artificial lifting system,
  • PMBOK,
  • PRINCE2,
  • management plan,
  • field,
  • well,
  • project management
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vargas Delgado, J. S., Gallo Corzo, N., Calvete Gonzáles, F. E., Caballero Márquez, J. A., & Vecino Arenas, C. E. (2020). Guide for the planning and implementation of an artificial lifting system based on the guidelines PRINCE2 for a Colombian petroleum field. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 18(2), 69–87. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v18n2-2020005


Project management in the oil industry was an issue of little importance in the past, when resources were used empirically and uncontrollably, generating cost overruns and high probability of project failure; These bad practices were being forgotten thanks to new research both in the technical area and in planning; In the latter, tools for project management were developed, in which PRINCE2 AND PMBOK stand out.

 These two tools have the same purpose, and their differences lie in the way of approaching project management, and how they structure the areas of knowledge; that is, while PRINCE2 Proposes a project management methodology that covers the themes, quality, change, the structure of the project's roles, plans, risk and project progress, justified by a Business Case. This methodology consists of 4 elements: principles, themes, processes and the project environment (Montes de Oca Salcedo & Perez, 2014); PMBOK is a formal document that describes standards, methods, processes and practices established around project management, for which it is necessary to apply and integrate 47 processes, grouped into the following five groups: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and closure (Montes de Oca Salcedo & Perez, 2014).

Due to the periodic crises that the oil industry faces, you have the option of implementing these tools, in order to optimize resources, times and processes, to meet the needs of the market in an austere and consistent manner.

This research project sought to provide production engineers for oil fields with a tool to serve as a guide to carry out their project management tasks, specifically in the area of artificial lift systems using the well-known European project management methodology. like PRINCE2 in its 2017 version, with the possibility of expansion to any type of project.

The results of the research did not yield conclusive values regarding the efficiency of the methodology with respect to other ways of carrying out project management, but they did generally reinforce that there are different ways of carrying out a project, all of them valid and most The significant thing they have in common is the use of adequate tools to carry out a control of project management and all its processes.


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