Vol. 13 No. 2 (2015): Fuentes, el reventón energético

Evaluation of chemical tracers in fracturing fluid based in water guar

José Luis Hernández Parra
escuela de ingeniería de Petróleos, universidad industrial de santander, uis, Carrera 27 calle 9, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Zarith Pachón Contreras
instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, iCP. Kilómetro 7 vía Bucaramanga – Piedecuesta, Piedecuesta, Colombia.
Zuly Himelda Calderón Carrillo
escuela de ingeniería de Petróleos, universidad industrial de santander, uis, Carrera 27 calle 9, Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Published 2015-12-03


  • Hydraulic fracturing,
  • Fracturing fluid,
  • Flowback,
  • Polymer,
  • Chemical

How to Cite

Hernández Parra, J. L., Pachón Contreras, Z., & Calderón Carrillo, Z. H. (2015). Evaluation of chemical tracers in fracturing fluid based in water guar. Fuentes, El reventón energético, 13(2), 5–14. https://doi.org/10.18273/revfue.v13n2-2015001


In this research, seven chemicals substances selected from the families of inorganic salts and dyes commonly used in hydrology were evaluated as potential tracers for hydraulic fracturing using economic analytical methods implemented for their detection and quantifi cation and that also can be performed in situ. From adsorption tests, compatibility between the fracture gel and formation fl uids and core fl ooding tests, three substances responded acceptably, after being subjected to physical and chemical conditions of a hydraulic fracturing process which enable them to be used as tracers.


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