Methodology for a formulation of chemical recovery projects through analogies

Published 2018-12-20
- Analogy,
- chemical enhanced oil recovery,
- data base,
- off-shore
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In recent decades, tertiary recovery, especially involving chemical products, has been area of research by the academy and industry. Its ability to reduce the saturation of residual oil (Sor) and increase the recovery factor of a reservoir, make it a highly attractive and worth investing method and. The identification of analogous fields is an important step for planning a CEOR project by its acronym in English (Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery), especially when there is few information on offshore fields worldwide that have implemented this type of method. This article proposes and evaluates a methodology with the purpose of establishing if an offshore field located in the Santos basin Brazil is a good candidate or not to be subjected to polymer injection. The proposed methodology is defined by four steps: processing of data collected from the search for information worldwide, selection of analogous fields based on the screening proposed by Paris de Ferrer (2001), use of a statistical model and classification of similarity. In the first instance, an analysis and processing of the available database of the offshore fields that have implemented the technique is carried out, then the main properties of rock and fluid that describe each field are identified. Subsequently, the properties of the objective field and those found in the database are compared by means of a statistical model and finally the classification is carried out, using a weighting according to its analogy with respect to the field under study.
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