Organic supports: a low-cost alternative to enhance anaerobic digestion? María Paula Garay Jácome, Rosaura Angelica Parra Suárez, Jaime Jaimes Estévez, Liliana del Pilar Castro Molano , Humberto Escalante Hernández 7-24 PDF
Innovation in Education a Project Based Learning Implemented in Engineering using Global Classroom Methodology Jeffrey León, Irma Salgado-Escobar, Víctor Robledo-Rella, Leidy Lorena Piñeiro Cortes, Billy Crissien Castillo 25-36 PDF
System for Quantifying Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions in Low-Cost Digesters Inoculated with Horse Manure Yudtanduly Acuña, Laura Sofia Mecón Rodríguez, Daniel Molina Martinez 37-47 PDF
Astaxanthin production by Haematococcus pluvialis under the phosphate deficiency effect and hight light intensity Judith Elena Camacho Kurmen, Natalia Rodriguez Rodriguez 49-64 PDF (Español (España))
Review of the state of the art in transesterification technologies for biodiésel production in continuous flow and batch systems Michael Andres Alzate León, Jose Ricardo Bermudez Santaella, Daniel Andrey Herrera Susa 65-87 PDF (Español (España))
Neutrons doses determination inside the thermal column of the TRIGA Mark III Nuclear Reactor Edgar Herrera-Arriaga, Roberto Raya Arredondo, Rosa María Valdovinos Rosas 89-97 PDF
Considerations on energy under transition scenarios in Colombia Edgar Fernando Castillo Monroy, Edgar Eduardo Yáñez Angarita 99-108 PDF