Vol. 31 No. 1 (2018): Revista ION

Physicochemical characterization of the shell and stem by-products of plantain Dominico harton

Juan Manuel Mondragón García
Agroindustralización GIDA, Campus Ciudadela del Saber La Santa María, km 7 vía Armenia – La Tebaida
Johanna Andrea Serna Jiménez
Agroindustralización GIDA, Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia, Facultad de Ingenierías
Luz Stella García-Alzate
Gerencia de la Tierra, Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia, Facultad de Ingenierías, Grupo de Investigación
Lina María Jaramillo-Echeverry
Grupo de Investigación Gerencia de la Tierra, Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia, Facultad de Ingenierías

Published 2018-09-28


  • Residues,
  • by-products,
  • organic matter,
  • alternatives,
  • contaminants

How to Cite

Mondragón García, J. M., Serna Jiménez, J. A., García-Alzate, L. S., & Jaramillo-Echeverry, L. M. (2018). Physicochemical characterization of the shell and stem by-products of plantain Dominico harton. Revista ION, 31(1), 21–24. https://doi.org/10.18273/revion.v31n1-2018003


The plantain crop in Colombia is developed throughout the national, with a production of 87%, using only the fruit for marketing; the generation of waste lacks an adequate treatment or disposal, becoming pollutants for the environment, being mainly used as organic fertilizer. Therefore, the objective of this study was to physicochemically characterize the husk and scion by-products generated in the harvest and post-harvest of the plantain Dominican harton to determine if they can be used as substrates, generating alternatives for harvesting. The by-products were characterized taking into account physicochemical parameters such as pH, percentages of titratable acidity, humidity, organic matter, among others. The results obtained reported pH of 4.86 and 5.61; acidity percentage of 1.55 and 0.64%, humidity around 8.3%, organic matter of 83.51 and 80.17%, for the husk and the stem, respectively. The characterization made to banana by-products allows considering them as potential substrates; thus generating different alternatives of exploitation to which these agroindustrial waste are considered.


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