About the Journal
Focus and scope
Revista UIS Ingenierías (RUI) is a peer-reviewed international journal, with quarterly circulation, edited by the Faculty of Physicomechanical Engineering (School of Industrial Design, School of Industrial and Business Studies, School of Civil Engineering, School of Systems and Computer Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering), at Universidad Industrial de Santander. Since 2002, this journal has been the space for the dissemination of original and relevant research developed around new knowledge and professional practices related to engineering and applied sciences, especially, materials science, decision sciences, and manufacturing engineering.
Evaluation policy
To ensure an objective evaluation, each article submitted to Revista UIS Ingenierías is simple-blind reviewed, ad honorem, by experts in the different areas of knowledge, according to the topic of the document.
From its receipt, each submitted article goes through the following stages of evaluation:
- Editorial team review. The editor, with the help of the Editorial Committee, studies the article’s compliance with the minimum requirements for form and quality of content. At this stage, a web tool is used to detect cases of plagiarism.
- Section editor review. A section editor is assigned, who determines, according to the nature of the submission, the relevance of its publication. Papers can address a variety of topics, but the link to publication areas of RUI (engineering and applied sciences, especially, materials science, decision science, and manufacturing engineering) should be made explicit.
- Peer-review. A simple-blind evaluation process is carried out by three (3) researchers affiliated with a national or international academic or research institution, which fulfill the following characteristics: Be a Master (MSc) or Doctor (D.) in the area or topic of the article. Have published at least one research article, during the last two (2) years in journals indexed in IBC Citation Indexes, or Bibliographic Bases with Scientific Committee. The role of academic peers is to classify the assigned document into one of the typologies established by the journal and, according to the editorial policies of the journal, determine whether it is publishable or not. When there is no consensus between the concepts emitted by the three evaluators, the review of a fourth evaluator is used to express a definitive concept.
- Proofreading and copyediting. This is a transversal process that takes place from the reception of the document to the production of the final version of the document. It consists of reviewing the document at all stages of production to detect errors in spelling and punctuation, as well as verifying that the author has made the modifications suggested by the evaluators, if applicable. The article is proofread and copy edited to ensure there are no grammar mistakes or misspelled At this stage, changes suggested by peer-reviewers are also checked. Authors are notified each time there is a need for changes; these are tracked by using the ‘track changes’ tool on a word processor. Once it approves all steps, it is sent for typesetting.
- Once the final version of the document is obtained, the text will be formatted and the necessary files will be generated for the printed and digital publication of the journal number.
Open access policy
This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The Revista UIS Ingenierías does NOT charge for the shipment, processing and/or publication of articles.
Publication ethics and good practice guidelines
The writing of Revista UIS Ingenierías is committed to the scientific community to ensure the ethics and quality of the articles published. Our magazine has the Code of Conduct and Good Practices as a reference, as defined by the Committee of Ethics in Publications (COPE) for editors of scientific journals. Information can be found at the link https://publicationethics.org/. At the same time, it guarantees an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors, ensuring the quality of what is published, protecting and respecting the content of the articles as well as their integrity.
Editorial management times
There is an estimate of (6) six days’ time from the reception of the document on the OJS platform, until the issuance of the Section Editor concept.
The evaluation process depends directly on the availability of the evaluators. The moment the Section Editor endorses the article for publication, the team proceeds to request the document’s evaluation by peers. The time limit between the request and the response of an evaluator is ten (10) days; if in those days there is no response, the editorial team proceeds to request the evaluation from a different peer.
Once an evaluator agrees to review the document, the evaluation format is sent to him/her, with a maximum term of (20) twenty days to elaborate and send back the review.
Authors are notified if there are any suggestions for changes after the peer-evaluation process; they have a maximum period of 15 days to make changes in form and 30 days to make substantive changes.
After obtaining the corrected version of the document, the last revision is made with change control and sent to diagramming. The correction time varies according to the amount and degree of complexity of the corrections, as well as the authors’ response speed.
Once the document is diagrammed, the author has the option to check the latest version before it is published. After approval, the document is published in its printed and digital version. The time elapsed until printing of the paper version depends entirely on the management of the publications department of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.
The sending times of the evaluations may vary, as they are subject to the availability of the evaluators, who carry out the review ad honorem. In case the process requires additional time, a notification is sent to the author, or authors, through electronic mail.
In the event that, after three (3) months, the article cannot be peer-reviewed, the authors are notified so they can decide whether to continue the editorial process.
Guidelines for reviewers
Every article submitted to the Revista UIS Ingenierías journal (RUI) should be framed in areas related to engineering, and applied sciences, especially, materials science, decision science, and manufacturing engineering. In addition, it must correspond to one of the following typologies: original article of scientific and technological research, short article, article of reflection, review article and case report; typologies described in the evaluation format.
All submitted articles must comply with the following requirements:
- Be written in Spanish or English, clearly and without spelling errors.
- Provide new knowledge in one or more of the areas of knowledge in which the journal publishes.
- Clearly present a problem based on a thorough review of the state of the art and a solid conceptual framework.
- Have clear objectives and present one or more appropriate methods to achieve the proposed objectives.
- Present results and conclusions consistent with the objectives and method, or methods, that contribute to the solution of the problem.
- Include at least fifteen (15) bibliographical references, for review articles a minimum of 50 references must be included.
Although section evaluators and editors issue concepts about articles, it is the publisher together with the Editorial Committee who defines what content is publishable. Therefore, an article being accepted for peer review does not guarantee publication.
Duties and responsibilities
Of the authors:
- To select and authorize an author responsible for correspondence, for proofreading purposes, who must register on the Open Journal System (OJS) platform http://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/user/register, and send the article in the format established by the Revista UIS Ingenierías journal (RUI), together with the 'Letter of article presentation and partial use license' duly completed and signed, through the same medium.
- To comply with the conditions set out in the 'Guidelines for authors', keep a copy of all material sent and provide corrected versions with the suggested changes to the article during the external peer review process.
Of the reviewers:
- To treat the articles accepted for review in a confidential manner, and inform the editor of the journal when there is a conflict of interest with the research or results set forth in the document that has been assigned.
- To send to the editor the manuscript evaluation format provided by the journal, duly completed.
- To inform the editor of the journal when the article under review raises any suspicion of fraud.
- To make suggestions, corrections or requests for changes to the articles whenever they deem it pertinent.
- To issue a concept about the article that has been assigned.
Of the editorial team:
The editorial team of the Revista UIS Ingenierías journal (RUI) is made up of an editor, an editorial assistant, an editorial committee and a scientific committee. It is their responsibility:
- To develop the Editorial Policies and ensure its fulfillment in each of the issues published.
- To accept or reject submissions, according to the conditions stipulated by the journal.
- To manage the editorial process of postulated articles and confidentiality during the process of simple-blind peer review, regardless of whether the article is rejected or accepted for publication.
- To verify the relevance of the suggestions made by the evaluators and the corrections made by the authors when they have been requested.
- To publish, when necessary, clarifications, errata, and corrections in the digital version of the journal.
- To distribute the printed numbers of the journal among the individuals and institutions with which they have acquired exchange or subscription commitments, the authors and evaluators participating.
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