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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article has not been previously published in another medium, and has not been sent simultaneously to another publication.
  • It is recommended to suggest the names of three possible reviewers in "Comment for the Editor". Specify the names of the reviewers, emails and the reasons for their recommendation
  • The text meets the style and bibliographic requirements stated in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in About the Journal and the provided template.
  • It is recommended to suggest the names of three possible reviewers in "Comment for the Editor". Specify the names of the reviewers, emails and the reasons for their recommendation.

Author Guidelines

Every article submitted to the Revista UIS Ingenierías journal (RUI) should be framed in areas related to engineering, and applied sciences, especially, materials science, decision science, and manufacturing engineering. In addition, it must correspond to one of the following typologies: original article of scientific and technological research, short article, article of reflection, review article and case report; typologies described in the evaluation format.

Format criteria

Articles submitted to UIS Ingenierías must meet the format criteria set in the ‘Template’ of the journal, posted on the OJS platform. The following are the most relevant aspects that authors have to consider before submitting an article:

  • The extension of the articles must be between six (6) and twenty (20) sheets.
  • The title of the article must be concrete and synthetic. It has to appear in English and Spanish, following the grammar and spelling rules.
  • Articles must include: (1) Byline, (2) Abstract, (3) Introduction, (4) Methods, (5) Results, (6) Conclusions and (7) References. It is not mandatory to follow exactly the former structure, but it is necessary that articles shows methods, results, conclusions and recommendations for further research.
  • The abstract must be written in a single It has to be written in English and Spanish and it cannot include quotations, formulas. It should not exceed the 150 words. Keywords also have to be provided. They should be in alphabetical order and separated one from the other by comma. The number of keywords must be between ten (10) and (15) fifteen.
  • References have to be given with the IEEE style, which does not alter the Syntax of sentences. Articles must include at least 15 research references, such as: books, articles in journals, proceedings. Images and Graphic resources are not cited in the reference list. 
  • Images, charts and graphics must contain synthetic and relevant information that is easy to read. 

It is the sole responsibility of the authors to ensure the article meet all the criteria required by UIS Ingenierías. Only articles that are properly formatted are considered for publication. The publishing process is tracked through the OJS platform. However, authors can request information about the process via email.

All submissions must contain the following files:

  • The article, properly typeset according to UIS Ingenierías
  • The ‘Cover letter and Partial use license’ properly filled and signed by each of the
  • Images or graphic material used in the article in high resolution.

Modifications during the publishing process

During the Publishing process, authors have to modify their original submissions according to the suggestions noted by the editors, peer-reviewers and proofreaders. That, in order to reach the editorial quality needed to be published. When an author does not make changes or not reply within a period of a month, the article will be removed from the process. Only articles that are modified as suggested will be considered for publication.

To consider!

Authors are free to remove their article from the process as long as the motivations of that decision are provided, so the UIS Ingenierías editorial board can improve its editorial policies and practices.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively to contact the authors and reviewers during the editorial process, or inform them about new issues or calls.