Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Surface evaluation of carbon steel doped with nitrogen ions

Felipe Sanabria-Martinez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Ely Dannier Valbuena-Niño
Foundation of Researchers in Science and Technology of Materials
Miryam Rincon-Joya
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Hugo Armando Estupiñán-Duran
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Fernando Viejo-Abrante
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2020-01-04


  • ferrous alloys,
  • superficial treatment,
  • ion implantation,
  • physicochemical characterization

How to Cite

Sanabria-Martinez, F., Valbuena-Niño, E. D., Rincon-Joya, M., Estupiñán-Duran, H. A., & Viejo-Abrante, F. (2020). Surface evaluation of carbon steel doped with nitrogen ions. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 19(1), 205–212. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v19n1-2020019


This study proposes by means of analytical characterization techniques, a structural evaluation of the surface modification of a ferrous material by three-dimensional ion implantation plasma technology. Carbon steel substrates immerse in a gaseous atmosphere, were surface-implanted with nitrogen ions via high voltage pulse discharges activated at a low-pressure range (“high vacuum”). The effect of the surface treatment on the structure, composition, and morphology of the substrates was verified by microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. From the micrographs obtained by scanning electronic microscopy and the analysis elemental by energy dispersive spectroscopy the morphology and nitrogen concentration of the treated and non-treated samples were analyzed and compared. As for the elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy, nitrogen concentration in the implanted substrates were detected and determined at a relatively low amount. In regard to the x-ray diffraction results, a decrease in the intensity of the (110), (200) and (211) planes of the treated substrate compared with the reference substrate, was observed. The analysis of phases-formation on the surface material performed by Raman spectroscopy, identified mainly ferric oxy-hydroxides typical uniform corrosion products.


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