Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Reverse logistics system for the sustainable development of a shipyard

Martín Darío Arango-Serna
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Jairo Alberto Valencia-Salazar
Escuela Naval de Cadetes Almirante Padilla
Silvana Ruiz-Moreno
Universidad de San Buenaventura

Published 2020-03-19


  • naval waste,
  • reverse logistics,
  • supply chain,
  • sustainability,
  • waste disposal

How to Cite

Arango-Serna, M. D., Valencia-Salazar, J. A., & Ruiz-Moreno, S. (2020). Reverse logistics system for the sustainable development of a shipyard. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 19(2), 105–118. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v19n2-2020012


Due to the globalized markets that implies the increase of waste derived from productive processes and the need to take actions in order to reduce the negative impacts associated with their final disposal; the reverse logistics systems development for companies focused on the responsible disposal maximizing the obtained value is been a study problem during the last years. This article aims to propose a reverse logistics system for a shipyard, this system focuses on the materials generated by the maintenance operations made to ships in the slipway considering the sustainable development of the company. The methodology is based on a scientific literature analysis of reverse logistics systems, sustainability and the characterization of the shipyard processes and facilities. This allows to develop strategies for the system implementation and indicators to control his performance.


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