Vol. 19 No. 3 (2020): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Axiomatic design of a foot-ankle mechanism of a transtibial prosthesis in the Colombian context

Phil Anderson Pontoja-Caicedo
Universidad del Valle
Ruth Edmy Cano-Buitrón
Universidad del Valle
José Isidro García-Melo
Universidad del Valle

Published 2020-04-27


  • below knee amputation,
  • axiomatic design,
  • foot-ankle mechanism

How to Cite

Pontoja-Caicedo, P. A., Cano-Buitrón, R. E., & García-Melo, J. I. (2020). Axiomatic design of a foot-ankle mechanism of a transtibial prosthesis in the Colombian context. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 19(3), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v19n3-2020001


The rehabilitation of people with motor disabilities derived from transtibial amputation is a complex task that requires the use of different technical aids, such as prostheses, for effective performance. According to the background analysis consulted, the different solutions present limited information on the design procedure followed to ensure proper behavior in a given environment. In this sense, this work proposes the axiomatic design of a foot-ankle mechanism to emulate natural gait in the Colombian context. Where, focusing on the user, a progressive refinement of the functional requirements was carried out that allowed to clearly define the specification sequence of the design parameters, favoring the analysis and synthesis of the solution in different aspects related to aesthetics and function.


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