Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Didactic test bench for learning autonomous photovoltaic solar energy

Edwin Rúa-Ramírez
Universidad Santo Tomás
Iván Mendoza-Jiménez
Universidad Santo Tomás
Edison Torres-Suarez
Universidad Santo Tomás
Elkin Flórez-Serrano
Universidad de Pamplona
Juan Serrano-Rico
Universidad de Pamplona

Published 2021-01-02


  • test bench,
  • isolated photovoltaic solar energy,
  • laboratory practices,
  • solar panel performance

How to Cite

Rúa-Ramírez, E., Mendoza-Jiménez, I., Torres-Suarez, E., Flórez-Serrano, E., & Serrano-Rico, J. (2021). Didactic test bench for learning autonomous photovoltaic solar energy. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 20(2), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v20n2-2021001


With the construction of this test bench, it is possible to characterize autonomous photovoltaic solar systems and measure the performance of photovoltaic solar panels. This test bench allows students and users to know the components of an isolated photovoltaic system for homes and to validate the operation of each one of them; protection component, connections, DC-AC transformation component, among others. The bench was designed to carry out different laboratory practices, such as: identifying and evaluating the operating curve of the panels according to the radiation received, measuring the output voltage and current of the system according to its series and parallel connections, making connections for direct current or alternating current, among others. The most complex and relevant practice is the measurement of the performance of solar panels, since resistors with a different capacity must be included to create the current vs. voltage curve (I vs. V); An electronic circuit was designed where the panel is connected to a variable resistive load and the value of current and voltage is recorded. For voltage measurement the multimeter is connected in parallel in the circuit and for amperage measurement it is connected in series. Some of the most important results of the practices were; being able to identify the significant variation in the efficiency of solar panels as the position of the sun changes, Identify how temperature affects the performance of the panel and determine the exceptional conditions in which a panel generates the energy specified by the manufacturer.


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