Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Comparative between the binary thresholding technique and the Otsu method for the people detection

Carlos Vicente Niño- Rondón
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Sergio Alexander Castro-Casadiego
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Byron Medina-Delgado
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Dinael Guevara-Ibarra
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Luis Leonardo Camargo-Ariza
Universidad del Magdalena

Published 2021-01-02


  • people detection,
  • comparative,
  • binary thresholding,
  • Otsu method,
  • Python,
  • Matlab,
  • time,
  • memory,
  • machine requirement,
  • hits
  • ...More

How to Cite

Niño- Rondón, C. V., Castro-Casadiego, S. A., Medina-Delgado, B., Guevara-Ibarra, D., & Camargo-Ariza, L. L. (2021). Comparative between the binary thresholding technique and the Otsu method for the people detection. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 20(2), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v20n2-2021006


In image detection processes where there is a variation in brightness between pixels, techniques are required to obtain optimal and adaptable threshold values for these variations. Therefore, a comparison between the binary thresholding technique and the adaptive method of Otsu is made, in videos with dynamic and static background, weighing the response time of the algorithm, memory used, requirement of the central processing unit and hits in the detections, in the languages of Python and M (Matlab). The techniques in Python present better results in terms of response time and memory space; while, when using Matlab, the lowest percentage of machine requirement is presented. Also, the Otsu method improves the percentage of hits in 12.89 % and 11.3 % for videos with dynamic and static background, with respect to the binary thresholding technique.


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