Evaluation of the formation of andradite and carbonates of calcium in the synthesis of a geopolymer from white slag
Published 2020-06-30
- geopolymers,
- white slag,
- sodium hydroxide,
- carbonatation
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In this article, the influence of the andradite on the mechanical resistance synthesized from the furnace slag converter is evaluated. As activators, 12 M sodium hydroxide and 5 M sodium silicate were used. Sodium hydroxide remained constant at 5% and at 15% in sodium silicate. Ceramic material was added in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The curing of the paste was done at room temperature for 24 hours. The particle size of the white slag and the ceramic material was 150 μm. XDR and MEB were used to analyze the possible mechanisms of formation of andradite and calcium carbonate. Samples were failed in the universal testing machine. The influence of the chemical compounds formed on the compressive strength was determined. The results indicate that the proposed conditions are suitable for the formation of crystalline structures characteristic of geopolymeric materials.
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