Published 2022-01-25
- fique,
- composite materials,
- reinforced composites,
- characterization tests,
- micromechanical modeling
- fiber treatment,
- composite manufacturing,
- matrix composite,
- application composite,
- natural fiber ...More
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Fique is a fiber of South American origin that has adequate properties to be used as reinforcement in composite materials, recently there have been various research for the development of composite materials with this fiber type. This article compiles different studies into composite materials reinforced with fique fiber. Initially discussed the issues related to the properties and treatments most commonly used to fiber to improve their quality and adhesion, then the types of matrix and the main manufacturing techniques that have been used for the manufacture of composites reinforced with fique fiber are described, followed by the different tests and characterization tests that have been applied to them to know their main properties and finally, their applications and the use of micromechanical models to describe them.
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