Vol. 20 No. 3 (2021): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Databio, biodiversity gallery of the Juan María Céspedes Botanical Garden

Danny Alexander Carrillo-Torres
Universidad del Valle
Angelica Ocampo-Escobar
Universidad del Valle
Royer David Estrada-Esponda
Universidad del Valle

Published 2021-06-07


  • biological collections,
  • Linked Open Data,
  • Resource Description Framework,
  • systematization

How to Cite

Carrillo-Torres, D. A., Ocampo-Escobar, A., & Estrada-Esponda, R. D. (2021). Databio, biodiversity gallery of the Juan María Céspedes Botanical Garden. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 20(3), 155–166. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v20n3-2021011


The biodiversity is essential for life and it motivates many efforts for its conservation. One of those efforts is the dissemination of data on plant specimens, which institutions such as the Institute for Research and Preservation of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Valle del Cauca (INCIVA) use. The institute develops, stimulates, and supports processes of appropriation, generation, and dissemination of knowledge for the conservation as well as the use of the natural and cultural heritage of Valle del Cauca. However, it does not support these processes with technological tools that integrate specialized techniques that allow the dissemination of knowledge such as the Linked Open Data (LOD). This one allows the publication and linking of information on the Data Web. Therefore, the article presents DATABIO. It is a web application that manages, publishes, and disseminates information from the biological collection of the botanical garden. It is done using a Dataset linked and published on the data web that as the main feature facilitates the updating of its triples every time there are new records in the transactional system. DATABIO was developed thanks to the use of extreme programming as a software development methodology, but it previously required the application of phases for modeling, storage, linking, and data publishing. As a main result, it stands out that the information published complies with the open data scheme of Tim Berners -Lee, obtaining five stars, which facilitates decision-making for institutions that promote environmental conservation.


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