Vol. 20 No. 3 (2021): Revista UIS Ingenierías

A taxonomical classification proposal for product recalls

Juan Miguel Cogollo-Flórez
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Mariana Restrepo-Hincapié
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Published 2021-05-13


  • bibliometric analysis,
  • quality control,
  • taxonomical classification,
  • supply chain management,
  • quality management,
  • unsafe product,
  • defective product,
  • consumer protection,
  • product recall,
  • literature review
  • ...More

How to Cite

Cogollo-Flórez, J. M., & Restrepo-Hincapié, M. (2021). A taxonomical classification proposal for product recalls. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 20(3), 111–120. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v20n3-2021007


The Product Recall study is a relevant issue for both quality management and supply chain management. This paper identifies the main contributions, approaches, and methodologies proposed in the scientific literature to address product recall through a bibliometric analysis and a taxonomical classification regarding works made over the last 20 years. For this, a literature review was carried out in the Taylor and Francis, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, Springer Link, IEEE, Google Scholar, and ProQuest databases. The bibliometric analysis allowed us to identify the main clusters related to product recalls. The taxonomical classification allowed the grouping of works into six categories: type of work, quality approach, problem approach, type of methodology, data characteristics, and product category. The sectors with the highest level of occurrence of product recalls are the toy industry, automotive sector, electrical supplies, and food industry.


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