Vol. 21 No. 1 (2022): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Mechanical earth auger design improves mixing soil and fertilizer in a single operation

Carlos Andrés Ossa-Jiménez
Centro de Desarrollo Agroindustrial Turístico y Tecnológico del Guaviare, SENA
Juan Carlos Sánchez-Santos
Centro de Desarrollo Agroindustrial Turístico y Tecnológico del Guaviare, SENA

Published 2022-01-25


  • design,
  • auger,
  • sowing,
  • fertilizer,
  • perennials,
  • farm equipment
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ossa-Jiménez, C. A., & Sánchez-Santos , J. C. . (2022). Mechanical earth auger design improves mixing soil and fertilizer in a single operation. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 21(1), 179–200. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v21n1-2022014


The objective of the research is the development of an farm equipment for a tractor, whose function is the excavation of a hole of depth variable, which allows in a single operation: (a) Supply and make a homogeneous mixture of soil with fertilizers; (b) Improve the porosity and density of the soil; (c) Increase the penetration capacity of the roots of the plant; (d) Standardize the initial conditions for the plantation development; and (e) Reduce costs production and sowing times. Reverse engineering and concurrent engineering procedures were used in this research to deal with issues related to innovation, marketing studies were done, state of the art and reviews of specialized offers consigned in technical catalogs of farm equipment manufacturers were made, which were contrasted with patents found in academic settings. For the development of virtual and physical prototypes, various techniques, design methods and CAD - CAE software were used to perform validations, calculations and verifications such as: CFD analysis, rapid prototyping (3D Printing) and use of other technologies CNCs were used for the construction of physical prototypes at a 1: 5 scale, selecting those that had a better performance in the fluid cinematics studies, with which tests were carried out on various types of soil. The approaches and methodologies used in this study can be replicated in research for the design and development of new farm equipment or machinery that improve the efficiency of processes for the sowing of perennial late-yielding plantations.


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