Vol. 21 No. 2 (2022): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Experimental and numerical evaluation of the use of recycled rubber as elastomeric bearing in simply supported bridge models

Camilo Higuera-Flórez
Universidad Católica de Colombia
Jhon Cárdenas-Pulido
Universidad Católica de Colombia
Adriana Vargas-Aguilar
Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José María Córdova

Published 2022-05-16


  • recycled rubber,
  • finite elements,
  • elastomeric bearings,
  • mechanical behavior

How to Cite

Higuera-Flórez, C., Cárdenas-Pulido, J., & Vargas-Aguilar, A. (2022). Experimental and numerical evaluation of the use of recycled rubber as elastomeric bearing in simply supported bridge models. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 21(2), 165–174. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v21n2-2022014


Nowadays, construction is one of the activities with the greatest impact, the reason why it is necessary to look for materials that contribute favorably to the environment. With this premise, this article studies the implementation of recycled tire rubber as elastomeric support in simply supported beams. For this purpose, three physical models of reinforced concrete bridges with different bearing types were developed: 1) without bearings, 2) neoprene bearings, and 3) recycled rubber bearings, which were subjected to a horizontal vibration test. Subsequently, there was a development of numerical models equivalent to physical tests, and it was determined the influence of the use of recycled rubber bearings on the mechanical behavior of the structural elements. The results indicate that the implementation of recycled rubber sheets as bearings elements produces a reduction in the internal forces of the structural elements and show an increase in the displacement of the models. The obtained results allow us to conclude that recycled rubber sheets could be used in the construction of bearings for bridge structures.


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