Influence of the infill density and infill patterns on the compressive mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA specimens
Published 2022-04-05
- PLA,
- Additive manufacturing,
- Compression test,
- Mechanical properties,
- 3D printing
- polylactic acid,
- FDM,
- infill density ...More
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Fused deposition modeling (FDM) has a large number of parameters that directly influence the quality and mechanical properties of the final par. Currently, FDM additive manufacturing has shown a rise for prosthesis developments due to its low cost for their development with respect to other manufacturing processes. Additionally, this technology presents great interest to the area of medicine due to its ability to create customized solutions for each patient, the variety of materials that can be used, and the wide range of manufacturing and supply printers brands and materials for printing. This work investigated the influence of infill density and infill patterns on the compression values for maximum stress, yield stress and elastic modulus, in PLA specimens made by additive manufacturing by FDM technique. Densities of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% and infill parameters Trihexagonal, Cubic Subdivision and Gyroid were used. All specimens were subjected to compression tests to calculate their mechanical properties and in general terms it was observed that increasing the infill density presents an increase in the compression properties of the material and that the geometry of the filling pattern can alter these properties.
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