Estimation of sludge production in conventional drinking water treatment plants trough prediction models
Published 2022-12-09
- drinking water treatment,
- drinking water sludge,
- empiric models,
- predictive sludge production,
- stochastic models
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The drinking water treatment plants (DWTP) generates sludges that are retained mainly in the sedimentation stage, and to adequate management, it is important to know the produced quantities. With this objective, this study evaluated different empirical models (AFEE, Cornwell & Koppers, Coşkun, CETESB, AWWA and Kawamura) and stochastic models (ARIMA) for the prediction of sludge production in a conventional DWTP that uses aluminum sulfate as a coagulant. Among the empirical models, the first three, presented better fit with the observed data; however, the ARIMA (0,1,2) was the best model, with a difference of 1.51% between the predicted and the observed values (2173.65 ± 549 vs 2207 Kg / day of sludge on a dry basis), which demonstrate the applicability to estimate sludge production.
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