Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Estimation of factors of penalty time in the function of generalized cost in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area

Sandra Milena Cote Vargas
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Hernan Porras
Portada RUI 15.2

Published 2016-07-15


  • Stated preference surveys,
  • generalized cost function,
  • discrete choice model,
  • demand modeling,
  • transportation planning

How to Cite

Cote Vargas, S. M., & Porras, H. (2016). Estimation of factors of penalty time in the function of generalized cost in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 15(2), 135–144. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v15n2-2016012


The travel time is a natural measure of the operation of a route or a transport system, where one of the main objectives is to transport people, cargo, goods, and services. The measure or factor by which people measure subjectively the effectiveness of the road or transportation system is the time it takes to travel, some elements such as the landscape, the environment, the availability of seats and others are elements responsible for providing a sense of comfort and help the user perception regarding the trip better, simpler routes also provide comfort feeling trip by the passenger, but its main goal is to reach as quickly as possible to your destiny.When a person takes a trip, the factor that is reviewed is the travel time, but also to make the programming of public transport routes should be incorporated to travel qualitative attributes such as comfort, safety, and prestige of the transport mode. That is the time value is usually higher in situations of congestion or where the traveler is not comfortable, so the author in his book Ortúzar Transportation Demand Models suggests that the cost of travel time The travel time is a natural measure of the operation of a route or a transport system, where one of the main objectives is to transport people, cargo, goods, and services. The measure or factor by which people measure subjectively the effectiveness of the road or transportation system is the time it takes to travel, some elements such as the landscape, the environment, the availability of seats and others are elements responsible for providing a sense of comfort and help the user perception regarding the trip better, simpler routes also provide comfort feeling trip by the passenger, but its main goal is to reach as quickly as possible to your destiny.When a person takes a trip, the factor that is reviewed is the travel time, but also to make the programming of public transport routes should be incorporated to travel qualitative attributes such as comfort, safety, and prestige of the transport mode. That is the time value is usually higher in situations of congestion or where the traveler is not comfortable, so the author in his book Ortúzar Transportation Demand Models suggests that the cost of travel time should be measured by travel segment. Some of the times that are considered are: the walking time to the whereabouts, the waiting time at the bus stop and the travel time on the bus (in this aspect should be considered if the bus is idle or not, this in to review the accommodations on the trip)


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