Published 2023-09-12
- Abnormal Glow Discharge,
- Corrosion Resistance,
- Polymers,
- Acetylene,
- Copper Substrate
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The formation of polymeric films by plasma has become an alternative for the coating of metallic materials that require varying their surface characteristics and improving their resistance to corrosion; because by this method it is possible, in principle, to polymerize any gaseous hydrocarbon. In this work, the study of the formation of acetylene polymer films on a copper substrate, previously treated in an abnormal luminescent discharge regime in argon-hydrogen atmosphere, is presented. The polymeric formation was carried out in a continuum current abnormal glow discharge in an atmosphere of 60% Ar, 35% H2 and 5% C2H2 at a pressure of 2 Torr, at a temperature of 600 °C and with deposition times between 5 and 120 s. The structural and morphological analysis of the polymeric film deposited at different temperatures was performed by Infrared Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Additionally, a characterization of the materials was carried out using corrosion resistance analysis.
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