Effect of partial substitution of Cr with Co on glass forming ability, mechanical and magnetic properties in Fe48Mo14Cr15-xCoxB6P8Si7Y2 bulk metallic glasses
Published 2022-10-21
- Bulk metallic glasses,
- GFA,
- DSC,
- Nanoindentation,
- compressive strength
- soft magnetic properties ...More
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Fe-based BMGs are well known for its attractive combination of structural, magnetic and corrosion properties. These alloys are widely used in industry because of low price and good glass forming ability (GFA). In this paper, the effect of partial substitution of Cr with Co on GFA, mechanical and magnetic properties of Fe48Mo14Cr15-xCoxB6P8Si7Y2 bulk metallic glasses was studied. The samples were prepared by copper mold casting technique in rod form. The elaborated alloys were structurally investigated by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), while the mechanical properties were investigated by compressive and nanoindentation tests. Also, the magnetic properties were investigated. The GFA was estimated by several criterion or parameters (reduced transition temperature Trg, ΔTx, α, β, γ and δ parameters). It was found that the addition of Co instead of Cr leads to a slight increase of the glass forming ability of Fe-Mo-Cr-B-P-Si-Y family. Also, an increase in magnetic properties, hardness, elastic modulus and compressive strength has been noted.
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