Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Reading and storage of library resources using UHF RFID technology with IoT

José Durán-Bayona
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Sergio Quintero-Ayala
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Sergio Castro-Casadiego
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Carlos Niño-Rondón
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Gloria Sandoval-Martínez
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Published 2023-05-08


  • Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID),
  • Ultra High Frequency (UHF),
  • Internet of Things (IoT),
  • Raspberry Pi,
  • NodeJS,
  • Python,
  • WebSockets,
  • Libraries,
  • Library Management,
  • Algorithms
  • ...More

How to Cite

Durán-Bayona , J. ., Quintero-Ayala , S., Castro-Casadiego , S. ., Niño-Rondón, C. ., & Sandoval-Martínez, G. (2023). Reading and storage of library resources using UHF RFID technology with IoT. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 22(2), 85–96. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v22n2-2023008


Libraries supervisors have the administrative duty of control and keep safe their inventories, such as books, documents, manuals, and theses, facilitating access to their users to this information and helping them loan and return, internal or external, in case it’s permitted. We wanted to design and build a prototype for a device capable of complementing these tasks in a low cost. We go through the processes in the design of a prototype for a simultaneous Radio Frequency Identification Reader using Ultra High Frequencies with Internet of Things technologies for data storage and communication between multiple stations, to do so we use a decision matrix method to select hardware tools, and software programming languages and libraries, needed to build such device, comparing, and weighting the characteristics that fit our needs. The resulting hardware selection was the Raspberry Pi and the RedBoard with a 59,7% and 12,4% respectively, and NodeJS with WebSockets for the software selection with a 53,8%. Finally, we present the designed architecture and a working prototype of the device that was built. Obtained response times from the reader and the database storage were as low as 10 milliseconds and as high as 20 milliseconds.


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