Published 2024-10-10
- Requirementes,
- satellite constellation,
- nanosatellite,
- stakeholders
- space mission,
- Earth observation,
- remote sensing,
- mission mangement,
- engieering systems ...More
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Colombia has embarked on its journey into the space era through the FACSAT program, led by the Colombian Aerospace Force, aiming to deploy satellites in low Earth orbit. Following the successful launches of FACSAT-1 and FACSAT-2, the focus has shifted towards the mission design of FACSAT-3, a constellation consisting of three satellites intended for terrestrial observation, with the possibility of incorporating secondary payloads for various applications. Defining the mission's objective stands as a pivotal step in this process. Specialized literature recommends the analysis of project stakeholders as a fundamental method for establishing the requirements of any space mission. In the case of FACSAT-3, an exhaustive analysis of the needs of these stakeholders was performed through surveys and meetings with numerous participants at the national level. Once these needs were identified, the formulation of the requirements, ensuring that the satellite constellation could fulfill them. With operational and functional requirements in place, the constellation is ready to advance to the design phase. This article presents the methodology implemented these essential preliminary requirements identification within the context of the FACSAT-3 mission.
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