Vol. 23 No. 3 (2024): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Evaluation of Mini-Groynes as a Countermeasure for Reducing Local Scour in Longitudinal River Walls with Well-Graded Granular Beds Using Flow-3D and AHP

Ana Fernanda Del Río-Puerta
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Nelson Javier Cely-Calixto
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Melquisedec Cortés- Zambrano
Universidad Santo Tomas

Published 2024-08-11


  • AHP,
  • countermeasures,
  • efficiency,
  • flow-3D,
  • granular bed,
  • hierarchy,
  • local scour,
  • longitudinal walls
  • ...More

How to Cite

Del Río-Puerta , A. F. ., Cely-Calixto , N. J., & Cortés- Zambrano, M. . (2024). Evaluation of Mini-Groynes as a Countermeasure for Reducing Local Scour in Longitudinal River Walls with Well-Graded Granular Beds Using Flow-3D and AHP. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 23(3), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v23n3-2024005


The objective of the research is to evaluate a countermeasure for the reduction of local scour in longitudinal walls in rivers with well-graded granular beds using the Flow-3D software; The countermeasure is selected using the Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP method and is numerically modeled with slopes of 2.5% and flow rates between 0.008 and 0.03 m3/s. Using the AHP method, it is obtained that the alternative with the highest hierarchy is the mini-breakwaters, for which scenarios of 0.3, 0.45, and 0.6 m in dimension are modeled, and arranged in the direction and counterflow. The simulation in the software showed that the countermeasure of mini-breakwaters of 0.45 m in length arranged in counterflow, presented an efficiency of 75%, compared to those of 0.3 m and 0.6 m whose efficiencies are 60.69 % and 51.12% respectively. The research is a significant contribution to the approach to alternatives for protecting longitudinal walls.


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