Vol. 22 No. 4 (2023): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Hosting capacity and optimal sizing: a Colombian case of study

Diego Andrés González-Sotto
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
César Arango-Lemoine
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Dahiana López-García
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Adriana Arango-Manrique
Universidad del Norte

Published 2023-11-10


  • distributed generation,
  • variable generation,
  • technical-economic analysis,
  • hosting capacity,
  • technical simulation

How to Cite

González-Sotto , D. A. ., Arango-Lemoine , C. ., López-García , D. ., & Arango-Manrique , A. . (2023). Hosting capacity and optimal sizing: a Colombian case of study. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 22(4), 103–114. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v22n4-2023010


The global energy transition has driven the adoption of renewable generation resources in distribution networks worldwide. This shift has presented new operational challenges for these networks. One such challenge involves determining the ideal sizing of these resources and the hosting capacity of the distribution networks to maximize their potential to enhance technical parameters within the system. This article proposes strategies to optimize the generation capacity and the selection of nodes in Colombian distribution networks, prioritizing nodes of lower voltage to improve reliability and continuity of supply. Specific methodologies are developed due to the passive and radial nature of these networks.


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