Vol. 24 No. 1 (2025): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Experimental study of an energy dissipater for debris flow avalanches

Nelson Javier Cely-Calixto
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Published 2025-03-05


  • debris,
  • device,
  • avalanche flows,
  • hyper-concentrated,
  • similarity,
  • tropical zones
  • ...More

How to Cite

Cely-Calixto, N. J. (2025). Experimental study of an energy dissipater for debris flow avalanches. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 24(1), 11–20. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v24n1-2025002


The research aims to evaluate a rigid energy-dissipating device under debris and hyper-concentrated flow conditions. The experimental development is carried out using a scale model using geometric, kinematic, and dynamic similarity conditions, using a channel of 2.3 m length, 0.7 m base, and 0. 07 m height, varying the slope between 2% and 8%, evaluated without device and with dissipating device, in this the separation of 14mm and 8mm grating bars is evaluated, arranging two structures separated at 0.4 m from each other along the study area, with an inlet flow of 0.015 m3/s and an average particle diameter of 5.1 mm. The experimental development shows a reduction of between 50% and 70% of the volume of debris flow in extreme conditions of channel slope (8%); likewise, a reduction of up to 93% is observed for slopes of 2% and up to 88% for slopes of 8% after the arrangement of the rigid energy dissipater. It is observed that in tropical zones the avalanche flow that presents the highest incidence is that of debris, which is a determining factor in selecting the alternative and dimensions of the type of energy dissipater; likewise, a representative positive impact is observed in the reduction of the impact after the arrangement of the dissipator, which indicates that this is a viable alternative to dissipate the energy of debris and hyper-concentrated avalanche flows in tropical zones, close to mountainous areas with slopes greater than 2.5%.


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