Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Hierarchization of technologies to industrial use of byproduct from fque´s bagasse anaerobic digestion

Lorena Plata
Programa Jóvenes Investigadores Colciencias
Dayana Rivera
Empresa Salgado Meléndez y Asociados SA
Liliana Castro
Universidad Santo Tomas
Carolina Guzmán
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Humberto Escalante
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2012-12-15


  • Fique’s bagasse,
  • sludge effluent,
  • AHP,
  • expert choice

How to Cite

Plata, L., Rivera, D., Castro, L., Guzmán, C., & Escalante, H. (2012). Hierarchization of technologies to industrial use of byproduct from fque´s bagasse anaerobic digestion. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 11(2), 171–185. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/171-185


In Colombia, there are 20000 hectares seeding with fque´s plants, giving an annual yield of 1,16 t/ha of fber, which generate approximately 108000 t of fque´s bagasse (FB). This biomass is a suitable carbon source for biogas production according to its physicochemical characterization and heating power. Currently, FB anaerobic fermentation, using as inoculums of rumen fuid and pig manure, generate methane yield of 0,45 m3CH4/Kg added VS and a sludge effuent (SE) as a by-product. The inadequate disposition of SE would cause environmental problems in underground waters and soils. The physico-chemical and microbiological characterization of SE classifed, according with content of fbers, minerals, micronutrients and relative feed value (156, 12), as prime forage and as class B biosolid owing to the content of pathogens. By means of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology and software expert choice v.11.5, the preparation of soil conditioner and the animal feed production was selected like the alternatives adapted for the industrial advantage of SE.


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