Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Analysis of the activity of collection of organic waste in the city of lyon france

María Fernanda Maradei G.
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2006-06-13


  • Ergonomics,
  • biological hazard,
  • work place,
  • activity of rubbish collector,
  • management of repair shop

How to Cite

Maradei G., M. F. (2006). Analysis of the activity of collection of organic waste in the city of lyon france. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 5(1), 59–66. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/1767


In order to satisfy the legal requirements of French laws, the Company of Publics Services of Lyon, led a research work in partnership with Lyon Lumière University in which the primary goal was the determination of the general level of exposure of every single workstation in the company to biological hazard. The research work began with a detailed analysis of all departments involved in waste collection and treatment processes, which allowed the research team to identify the Department of Trucks Repair and Maintenance as the most exposed to biological hazard.

Using the organization chart of this department and based on open observation of workstations, it was possible to verify that mainly technicians performing non scheduled mechanical and electrical duties on unclean trucks and even in presence of waste inside the cargo compartment were the most exposed to biological hazard. At the same time it was established that repair duties on this conditions were performed in a non technical area. On this basis, an activity analysis was developed in order to allow a team formed by company workers and researchers to find ergonomic solutions for every single workstation in the department.


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