Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006): Revista UIS Ingenierías

SPAR 1.0 -based public access digital repository

Carlos Cobos
Universidad del Cauca
Erwin Meza
Universidad del Cauca
Martha Mendoza
Universidad del Cauca
Jesús Muñoz
Universidad del Cauca
Jorge Giraldo
Universidad del Cauca

Published 2006-06-13


  • Content repositories,
  • meta-data,
  • learning objects,
  • SCORM 1.2,

How to Cite

Cobos, C., Meza, E., Mendoza, M., Muñoz, J., & Giraldo, J. (2006). SPAR 1.0 -based public access digital repository. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 5(1), 79–97. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/1769


The development of learning objects has prompted the study of the different implementations that permit the operativityof these objects between different content repositories, each one of wich must allow to search and access their own information in an independent way from the details of each implementation. This paper describes the work developed in research project titled "SPAR 1.0 - SCORM Public-Access Repository" developed by the Systems Engineering Department of the University of the Cauca. At present, a first version of the content repository has been lreleased and tested with the specification SCORM 1.2, the standard LOM 1.0 and the specification of personal and organizational virtual cards VCARD 1.0, using an interface based on a relational database and a set of Web services. In a more specific way, the present paper describes the relational model of the database can manipulate the metadata of learning objects stored inside a digital repository and a short presentation about the system's interface.


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