Vol. 6 No. 1 (2007): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Influence of the variation in the load and the size of the zone in the accuracy of a troubles locator for distribution circuits

Germán Andrés Morales España
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Hernann Raúl Vargas Torres
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Juan José Mora Flórez
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.

Published 2007-05-21


  • Fault location,
  • power distribution systems,
  • classifiers,
  • support vector machines

How to Cite

Morales España, G. A., Vargas Torres, H. R., & Mora Flórez, J. J. (2007). Influence of the variation in the load and the size of the zone in the accuracy of a troubles locator for distribution circuits. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 6(1), 47–57. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/1842


A recent and interesting study topic to utilities engineers and customers has been the electric power quality. The product itself and the customer support are the main aspects considered. The product quality means satisfy requirements of wave quality and service continuity. This last aspect is the one considered when the fault location problem is considered.

This paper shows an analysis of a fault location method applied to power distribution systems, developed with a classifier based in support vectors machines. This fault location trained using fault data from nominal conditions and tested considering the influence of load variations. Also, its capability to maintain high performance indexes where the power system is sub-divided in an increasing number of zones in checked.

From an application example which uses a model taken from a real power system, it is shown how the proposed approach is highly effective to salve the problem, having mean precision scores above 90% to locate the faulted zone, in case of single phase faults to ground, which is the most difficult case proposed.


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