Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Collaborative exercise and structured programming

Carlos Alberto Cobos Lozada
Universidad del Cauca
Martha Eliana Mendoza Becerra
Universidad del Cauca
Luis Carlos Gòmez Flòrez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2005-12-01


  • CSCL,
  • Collaborative Practical,
  • Structured Programming,
  • On-line Education,
  • Environments for support to the teaching and the learning

How to Cite

Cobos Lozada, C. A., Mendoza Becerra, M. E., & Gòmez Flòrez, L. C. (2005). Collaborative exercise and structured programming. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 4(2), 117–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/1962


The concepts and the abilities related with the programming bases (variables, types, expressions, assignment, input/output, conditional control structures among others) are key components in the formation process of the future systems engineers (similar to Similar to BsCS but with an Engineer degrees) . Taking into account that in many colombian universities the obtained results in subjects that deal with these concepts are not adequate, a process of learning based on practice has been established in order to increase the students academic level, decreasing desertion, fostering collaboration and promoting the knowledge and the abilities previously mentioned. This paper presents a collaborative practical method that allows to build an algorithm in groups conformed by two to four students; a computational tool is also described that supports the method, in order to make an appropriated interaction among group members. Finally, experimentation is described with favorable results. In order to define the collaborative activity, there were analyzed the most important characteristics of the traditional collaborative learning methods that allow to solve problems in different disciplines (free of content), some methods not free of content and the execution of the five basic elements of the collaborative learning defined by Johnson & Johnson, among other elements.


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