Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Transfer of technological knowledge to the classroom: structuring technological thought through the teaching of design

Adolfo Leòn Arenas Landìnez
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Claudia Milena Ortiz Gòmez
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Liana Marìa Àlvarez Garcìa
Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Published 2005-12-01


  • Technology,
  • knowledge society,
  • know how,
  • technological thinking,
  • designing process,
  • teclmological instruments design
  • ...More

How to Cite

Arenas Landìnez, A. L., Ortiz Gòmez, C. M., & Àlvarez Garcìa, L. M. (2005). Transfer of technological knowledge to the classroom: structuring technological thought through the teaching of design. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 4(2), 129–138. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/1963


The noticeable tendency to internationalization, predominant characteristic of the present world, strongly, influences the Educational Institution. This demands a multiple answer from various perspectives to address new aspects of knowledge. The educational systems have faced the challenge to guarantee the students' capacity to use the acquired knowledge in changing scenes, such as those generated in the knowledge society. The educational systems, thus, need to question, focused on how to teach and which are the most appropriate methods to accomplish an effective learning. Due to this phenomenon, diverse proposals related to the development of competences have aroused, specifically those regarding technology thinking, starting with the design, for problem solving.


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