Electronic balance prototype with communication to the pc, applied to the conduct of control graphics
Published 2004-12-01
- Electronic Scale,
- Load Cell,
- Signal Conditioning
How to Cite
Amaya Palacio, J. A., Duarte Duarte, J. B., Quintero Peña, N., & Parra Orduz, E. (2004). Electronic balance prototype with communication to the pc, applied to the conduct of control graphics. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 3(2), 127–136. Retrieved from
The present paper describes the steps earried out fo make an eleetronie seale prototype withserial eommunieation port, whieh will serve as a referenee to develop improved seales to supportpractices in the laboratory 01 Quality Control and Experiment design 01 the Department 01Industrial and Business studies.
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