Vol. 3 No. 2 (2004): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Analytical study of the effects of natural torsion in the behavior of buildings of various floors underly balanced before seismic requests

Oscar Javier Gómez Rueda
Esperanza Maldonado Rondon
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2004-12-01


  • Torsion,
  • asymmetric buildings,
  • natural torsion,
  • eccentricity ofdesig

How to Cite

Gómez Rueda, O. J., & Maldonado Rondon, E. (2004). Analytical study of the effects of natural torsion in the behavior of buildings of various floors underly balanced before seismic requests. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 3(2), 147–158. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2258


Recommendations ofdesign for torsionally unbalanced multistory buildings, that presents differentcodes Irom desing o/ buildings, in countries like Canada, United Status, Mexico and Australiaamong others and those that you propase different investigators, are analyzed in this documentalong with the recommendations presented within the Design and Constructions EarthquakeResistant Colombian Regulations NSR-98.

This study becomes by means 01 a comparative inelastíc analysis o/ the normalized demands ofductility in the resistant planes ofa building, whose centers ofresistance 01jloor do not agree withthe shear centers, with respect to that present these same planes in a model torsionally balanced.The study considers three models of buildings offive-story, subjected to both horizontal componentsofthe El Centro (1940) ground motion; seven procedures 01design that reflect the recommendationsstudied during all the investigation and consider two coefficients ofresistance reduction.


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