Vol. 3 No. 1 (2004): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Equipment for acquisition of electro-drive signals in the peripheral nervous system in humans. Design and construction

Leonardo Cordero Carrillo
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Carlos Humberto Esparza Franco
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Diego Rolando Mahecha Capacho
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Jaime Guillermo Barrero Pérez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Esperanza Herrera Villabona
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2004-07-02


  • Nervous electroconduction,
  • peripheral nervous system,
  • action potential,
  • latency,
  • nerve conduction velocity

How to Cite

Cordero Carrillo, L., Esparza Franco, C. H., Mahecha Capacho, D. R., Barrero Pérez, J. G., & Herrera Villabona, E. (2004). Equipment for acquisition of electro-drive signals in the peripheral nervous system in humans. Design and construction. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 3(1), 9–20. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2268


An examination of electroconduction consists of the measurement of the speed of response of the peripheral nerves, before an electric stimulation of high voltage and short duration. The response to this stimulus may be a composite or potential sensory nerve action potential or motor potential nerve action potential. It is so to perform an electroconduction study it is necessary to register and visualize the type of action potentials.

The NCV2003 is a device designed for this purpose, it contains a stimulator, a temperature sensor and a signal acquisition system. The captured signal is digitized with a resolution of 16 bits AND is taken to a computer that displays results such as temperature, latency, amplitude and speed of nerve conduction of the patient. With the results obtained, a report is generated with which the specialist who is performing the study, can easily perform a patient diagnosis.


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