Vol. 3 No. 1 (2004): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Elaboration of armor tapes by quick solidification of an alley

Luz Amparo Quintero Ortiz
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Juan Carlos Coronel
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Javier Mauricio Durán
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2004-07-02


  • metallic glass,
  • amorphous alloys,
  • amorphous ribbons,,
  • melt spiríning,
  • vitreous

How to Cite

Quintero Ortiz, L. A., Coronel, J. C., & Durán, J. M. (2004). Elaboration of armor tapes by quick solidification of an alley. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 3(1), 51–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2275


This work was earried out using the melt spinning equipment of the Chemieal EngineeringSehool. The physieal eharaeteristies, ealibration, verifieation andfitting ofoperation eonditionsofthe melt spinning equipment was peiformed using a test aUoy.The objeetive of this investigation was to study an aUoy of appropriate eomposition and thenecessary operation variables to achieve the production 01amorphous rihbons, "metallic glasses /1,by applying the method of rapid solidifieation, caUed "melt spinning".The iron base aUoy used in this siudy was ehosen by taking into aecount the properties to beobtained, the facility for aequiring raw materials and their eost, The best results were obtainedusing a pressure of 137.8 kPa and a speed of revolution of the wheel of 2300 r.p.m.

Thesevariables aUowed to obtain ribbons with better superficial finish and aceeptable dimensions.By means of the test of diffraction ofx- rays, it was eonfirmed the existenee of 46% atomie ofamorphous and the presenee ofa clystalline phase ofiron-niekel.The present work is a first step in the investigation if amorphous aUoys that are produeed byrapid solidifieation made in ihe MeiaUurgieal Engineering and Scienee ofMaterials Sehool ofUIS. Aeeording to the result obtained the investigation will eontinue in this field to improve theproduetion ofthis materials.


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