Vol. 2 No. 2 (2003): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Simulation of the escorrential processes in the Terzieterbeek mountain basin, Limburg - Netherlands

Jorge Alberto Guzmán Jaimes
Universidad Industrial de Santander
R.G.W. Venneker

Published 2003-12-03


  • Physícally-based model,
  • runoff,
  • Hydrological modeling,
  • Terzieterbeek,
  • Mike-SHE.

How to Cite

Guzmán Jaimes, J. A., & Venneker, R. (2003). Simulation of the escorrential processes in the Terzieterbeek mountain basin, Limburg - Netherlands. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 2(2), 105–112. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2313


In this workMike-SHEwas used as a physically-based modelfor the ungauged hillslope catchmentofTerzieterbeek. The catchment covers an approximate area of5.8 km2 located in the province ofLimburg at the southern part of The Netherlands. In this study, the vegetation, overland flow,channel flow, unsaturated zone and saturated zone were modeled using digital elevation model(DEM) of25 by 25 m spatial resolution and 64 vertical cells aggregation.The study revealed that Mike-SHE is capable ofsimulating a considerable degree ofnon-linearitybetween rainfall and runoff. The physically-based nature ofthe model allows in principie theindividual analysis 01the relevant processes in the catchment. This in fum can aid in achievingbetter understanding of hillslope catchment hydrological phenomena. In addition, Mike-SHEwas able to simulate the rapid rainfall-runoffresponse ofthe catchment, the lower summerflowsand the rapidfluctuation ofthe groundwater levels in the lower part ofthe catchment.


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