Vol. 2 No. 2 (2003): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Design and construction of a prototype of a soil resistivity meter for the corrosion laboratory of the metallurgical engineering school

Jaime Guillermo Barrero Pérez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
José Alejandro Amaya Palacio
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Carlos Andrés Angulo Julio
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Jaime Andres Fiallo Arias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Omar Leonardo Núñez Gualdrón
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2003-12-03


  • Tellurial Currents,
  • corrosion,
  • microconverter,
  • profiling,
  • resistivity,
  • telurometer
  • ...More

How to Cite

Barrero Pérez, J. G., Amaya Palacio, J. A., Angulo Julio, C. A., Fiallo Arias, J. A., & Núñez Gualdrón, O. L. (2003). Design and construction of a prototype of a soil resistivity meter for the corrosion laboratory of the metallurgical engineering school. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 2(2), 121–133. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2315


This paper describes the design process of a soil resistivity meter (MRS), capable of performing useful field measurements in the corrosion laboratory of the School of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science.

During this process, three prototypes were developed that led to the proposed final design. For this purpose a chopper-lift configuration was implemented in order to provide adequate power levels to perform a resistance measurement, which has its respective protection system And an acquisition and control system implemented with Analog Devices ADuC832 Microconverter. These prototypes allowed to analyze the scope of the project and characterize the final design. Based on preliminary tests conducted on different types of terrain and different locations in the metropolitan area, with a university-owned tellurometer.

The MRS has the capacity to store 20 tests, a user interface, which allows for the test configuration and application software in LabVIEW that allows interconnection with a PC for the serial download of the data, the subsequent representation Of the same, graphing the respective Resistivity Profiling, and approximate the tendency of the curve to variations of humidity and temperature by means of the empirical relation of Albrecht


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