Vol. 8 No. 1 (2009): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Application of ergonomics in the development of a peripheral of data entry and control for disabled persons

Maria Fernanda Maradei G.
Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Fernando Maldonado
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Carlos Augusto Gómez
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2009-07-15


  • ergonomics,
  • disability,
  • computer peripheral,
  • social inclusion,
  • user-centered design

How to Cite

Maradei G., M. F., Maldonado, F., & Gómez, C. A. (2009). Application of ergonomics in the development of a peripheral of data entry and control for disabled persons. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 8(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/243


The Society should offer all possible means to help disability people to integrate into the social security system as a productive people. If the Society fails to integrate disability people into the social system.  Social problems may occur as a result. In Colombia, 6.3% of the population has some form of permanent disability, a condition which requires attention and the generation of research and development of aids or equipment to enable social inclusion and employment of  these people. The  result of  this  research project  is  summarized  in  the design of a computer peripheral for amputees  to half of  the upper  limb, which facilitates  the  task of handling and control of computer machines. The system was designed  to  implement ergonomics on  the process, generating a product with quality ergonomics. This method of  investigation was used  in  the early  stages of  the process, where ergonomic  testing methods for the development of detailed design and usability tests were applied for determining the relevance of the result with respect to the initial target. The device will enable disability people to use their affected limb to handle and use of computers machine, promoting social inclusion in the work environment.  


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