Vol. 2 No. 1 (2003): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Teaching digital systems using hardware description languages

Jorge Hernando Ramón Suárez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Juan Carlos Martínez Santos
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2003-05-01


  • Digital System,
  • Hardware Description Language (HDL),
  • Programmable Logic Devices (PLD),
  • Universal Programmable Logic Compiler (CUPL),
  • Generic Array Logic

How to Cite

Ramón Suárez, J. H., & Martínez Santos, J. C. (2003). Teaching digital systems using hardware description languages. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 2(1), 35–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2437


The present article analyzes the convenience of using the hardware description languages ​​in the teaching of the course of Digital Systems that appears in the curricula of Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Systems Engineering. To achieve this, the study of the concepts of hardware description languages ​​(HDL) and programmable logic devices (PLD) must be started in such a way that it can reach more advanced technologies such as the FPGA, CPLD and the standardized description language VHDL .
We also want to emphasize that within the set of tools that the modern electronic engineer must have, computer science, and in particular software, plays a major role. Initially the results have been encouraging, represented in a more receptive attitude on the part of the students, reflected in the elaboration of specific applications of medium complexity using in them the GAL ATF22 VIO and developing the design with the help of the language WinCUPL.


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