Vol. 1 No. 1 (2002): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Flow in non-saturated porous media with discontinuous hydraulic conductivity

Sully Gomez L.
Universidad industrial de Santander
Carlos E. Cogollo A.
Universidad industrial de Santander
Oscar J: Mesa S
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin
Lilian J. Rojas V.
Universidad industrial de Santander

Published 2002-05-01


  • Porous medium,
  • self-diffusion,
  • Scaling,
  • anomalous exponent,
  • hydraulic conductivity,
  • Barenblatt,
  • dimensional analysis,
  • eigenvalues,
  • unsaturated medium,
  • residual retention,
  • capillarity,
  • Saturation,
  • porosity
  • ...More

How to Cite

Gomez L., S., Cogollo A., C. E., Mesa S, O. J., & Rojas V., L. J. (2002). Flow in non-saturated porous media with discontinuous hydraulic conductivity. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 1(1), 35–41. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/2535


When studying the flow in an unsaturated porous medium from a point recharge, two phenomena are identified: In the first the residual soil retention conditions are negligible, the mass of water available to flow is constant in time, for So the dimensional analysis considering first order self similarity is sufficient to solve the known diffusion equation. Conversely, if residual soil retention is taken into account, the mass of water available to flow is variable over time because the capillary forces retain some of the water in the pores, so that the mass does not comply with a law Of conservation and the assumption of previous self similarity is not valid. Then another type of self-similar assumption is called the second order, in which the so-called anomalous exponents appear. Under these conditions the equation to be solved is nonlinear with discontinuous coefficient and is called the Baremblatt Equation. The dimensional analysis is not enough to obtain the complete solution one goes to other different techniques, in this case to solve a problem of self value. In the second part will present the numerical solution and the application of this problem


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