Vol. 12 No. 1 (2013): Revista UIS Ingenierías

NN-PRED: A novel consensus secondary structure prediction program using neural networks

Oscar Fernando Bedoya Leiva
Universidad del Valle
Eduard Alberto Satizábal Tascón
Universidad del Valle

Published 2013-03-09


  • predicción de la estructura secundaria,
  • estrategia consenso,
  • redes neuronales

How to Cite

Bedoya Leiva, O. F., & Satizábal Tascón, E. A. (2013). NN-PRED: A novel consensus secondary structure prediction program using neural networks. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 12(1), 51–59. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/3711


In this paper, a new program for protein secondary structure prediction is proposed. The program, which is called NN-Pred, allows multiple sequences to be submitted and it returns predictions from fve secondary structure prediction algorithms. In addition, NN-Pred calculates a consensus prediction, which is based on a neural network strategy that is used in this paper to improve the prediction accuracy. NN-Pred was obtained by using a methodology called consensus strategy, which tries to make a better prediction by integrating some of the most remarkable existing techniques. The NN-Pred program provides a three-state (alpha-helix, beta-sheet, and other) prediction of secondary structure. According to the test sets, the prediction accuracy of NN-Pred is at least 70%, surpassing most of the existing methods. The experiments showed that neural networks can be used as a consensus strategy to producing accurate models for protein secondary prediction.




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