Vol. 12 No. 1 (2013): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Rubric or assessment matrix, planning tools and implementation of an evaluation by performance

Adolfo León Arenas-Landínez
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Kelly Johana Gómez-Jiménez
Secretaría de educación, Barrancabermeja

Published 2013-06-16


  • Rubrics,
  • instruments,
  • assessment,
  • learning outcomes,
  • performance,
  • evidence,
  • learning
  • ...More

How to Cite

Arenas-Landínez, A. L., & Gómez-Jiménez, K. J. (2013). Rubric or assessment matrix, planning tools and implementation of an evaluation by performance. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 12(1), 81–87. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/3714


This article focuses on one of the processes that are present in training today, evaluation by performance and specifcally the use of an instrument that has had a positive on the monitoring of learning processes: the rubrics. The evaluation through rubrics assumes that all participants in the educational process have clarity about how to evaluate, what is assessed, for what is assessed ,what is expected of the assessment thus requires the teacher
undergoes a constant refection of what who teaches, also the student is allowed to have clarity of road to go on learning, other involved in education gives them the opportunity to learning, others involved in education gives them the opportunity to learn the classroom activity and make tracing about the level of performance that students are reaching throughout the process.


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Algunos de ellos se citan en el presente artículo: Díaz Barriga, Gimeno Sacristán, Stone, Monereo Font, entre otros

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Díaz Barriga, Frida (2005). Enseñanza situada: Vínculo entre la escuela y la vida. México: McGraw Hill