Vol. 14 No. 2 (2015): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Application for Petri net supervisory control and automatic Ladder code translation for the RSLogicx500TM

Carlos Alberto Gaviria
Universidad del Cauca
Cristhian David Buchely Moreno
Universidad del Cauca
Fausto Ruiz Coque
Universidad del Cauca

Published 2015-07-26


  • Petri Nets, Supervisory Control, Ladder Code,
  • ladder code,
  • petri nets,
  • supervisory control

How to Cite

Gaviria, C. A., Buchely Moreno, C. D., & Ruiz Coque, F. (2015). Application for Petri net supervisory control and automatic Ladder code translation for the RSLogicx500TM. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 14(2), 47–55. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v14n2-2015005


This paper presents a software tool running on WindowsR operating system, intended for formal and systematic design of supervisory controllers for discrete event systems described by Petri nets, and the automatic generation of Ladder code for RsLogix 500TM software. The software is based on general linear vector constraints, and in case of the inadmissibility of some of the imposed constraints, the software has three methods to transform them in admissible ones. The software has also two methods to find siphons and traps on the supervised PN, which is useful to prevent the dead lock of the supervised system. Once the supervisor fulfills the control requirements, the tool can transfer the supervisor, automatically, to Ladder code by the Token Passing Logic extended method.


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