Vol. 12 No. 2 (2013): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Variables affecting a diluent injection cyclic process in formation for productivity increase in extra heavy oil wells

John Alexander León-Pabón
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Olga Patricia Ortiz-Cancino
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Flaminio Guarín-Arenas
Ecopetrol S.A
Carlos Andres Díaz-Prada
Ecopetrol S.A

Published 2013-09-18


  • extra heavy oil,
  • diluent,
  • production,
  • cyclic injection diluent

How to Cite

León-Pabón, J. A., Ortiz-Cancino, O. P., Guarín-Arenas, F., & Díaz-Prada, C. A. (2013). Variables affecting a diluent injection cyclic process in formation for productivity increase in extra heavy oil wells. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 12(2), 47–58. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/47-58


In order to increase the production of crude extraheavy oil there is studied the effect of injecting diluent into the formation across numerical simulation. For this there is realized the physicochemical and thermodynamic characterization of the fluids to determine the compatibility crude oil - diluent and to obtain the curves of density and viscosity of the mixture, necessary to adjust the model of fluids; constructing the static model of a sector of the field. The simulation model runs represented the diluent injection cycles, determining the appropriate values of the variables that more influence this process as it it are the number of cycles of injection, time between cycles, injection time, soak time, injection rate, injection pressure and injection temperature, by means of an analysis of sensibility. Finally applying 10 cycles of injection there is obtained the incremental one of 282.140 barrels of crude oil in seven years. With respect the base case of 2.074.250 barrels and 2.356.390 barrels of incremental with a percentage of 12%.


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