Vol. 11 No. 1 (2012): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Review of maturity models: Performance evaluation strategy for manufacturing companies

Maria Del Pilar Díaz-Jaimes
Universidad Industrial de Santande
Néstor Raúl Ortíz-Pimiento
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2012-06-15


  • Company performance measurement and evaluation,
  • maturity models,
  • manufacturing enterprises

How to Cite

Díaz-Jaimes, M. D. P., & Ortíz-Pimiento, N. R. (2012). Review of maturity models: Performance evaluation strategy for manufacturing companies. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 11(1), 55–72. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistauisingenierias/article/view/55-72


This paper tries to identify and characterize the maturity models that can be used by manufacturing companies. Is a historical review of performance measurement in organizations, basics concepts about maturity models, a selection of criteria to characterize, and finally a comparison of models identified for manufacturing companies. A trend to adapt large and complex models for smaller companies was identified, the few existing models for manufacturing companies and the possibility of build new models with the supply chain management approach.


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