Vol. 16 No. 2 (2017): UIS Engineering Journal

Methodology for assessment of the environmental condition in urban waters microbasins

Óscar Darío Guarín Villamizar
Universidad de Santander, UDES Cl 70 #55 -210 Edif. Muisca, Piso 2, Coordinación Académica

Published 2017-05-17


  • Evaluation,
  • Diagnostic,
  • Microbasin,
  • Methodology

How to Cite

Guarín Villamizar, Óscar D. (2017). Methodology for assessment of the environmental condition in urban waters microbasins. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(2), 141–150. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v16n2-2017013


This investigation centers in the presentation of a methodology for the productive rehabilitation and the sustainable managing of any urban microbasin, nevertheless, for practical effects, centres on the gully " The Skull " of Floridablanca Colombia's municipality which end is to diminish his pollution across an exhaustive physical, chemical and microbiological analysis followed by the utilization of the public space proposing the alternative for the environmental recovery of urban microbasins, with an approach tourist echo highlighting the flora and fauna, which frames this type of landscapes, with a propitious topography for the delight and the practice of sports in natural spaces. This environmental diagnosis allows the exposition of solution effective and opportune to protect the health and to improve the quality of life not only of the inhabitants of the bordering neighborhoods to the microbasin but to communities of similar characteristics.



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